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How to prevent water leak

As a homeowner, protecting your home against water damage is a common concern. We have to learn how to prevent water leaking to protect your home against water damage. Obvious tell-tale signs include peeling paint, cracks in walls or floors, mold, wet spots, rust and musty smell. Waterproofing jobs is costly, hence we need to take special care to prevent water leakage.

For the exterior of your house, roof is the most susceptible to water damage. We need to ensure that we applied the adequate roof top and balcony waterproofing. Check if the roofing tiles are secure and well fitted. Tiles around the roof edges are most prone to water damage. Last but not least, any cracked tiles should be replaced immediately.

Inspect the gutters and downspouts to ensure that there are no blockages. Check the joints and brackets for signs of cracks. Patch any holes with sealants that to ensure that no water leakage. Inspect for areas that are prone to water puddling. Lastly, do ensure that we waterproof the rainwater outlet. This are the most crucial step in waterproofing, which are often overlooked by normal contractor.

For the interior of your house, we have to check the plumbing system. Leaking pipes can cause water to seep into walls causing molds to grow. This will definitely destroy paint work and interior furnishing. 

Toilet leaks are one of the most common problems home owners face. Check the tiles and grout areas and ensure they are not cracked. Have proper ventilation so that airflow will help keep the moisture levels down. Vents will also provide better air circulation in the long run.

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