Wall seepage is often being caused by leaking water pipes or cracked walls. If the cause is leaking pipes, it is definitely a plumbing issue. This needs to be rectified first, before we proceed with waterproofing. This happens usually at areas such as walls behind the water tank, kitchen sink, toilet, bathrooms or drainage for rainwater outlet.

Signs of Wall Seepage
There are many signs to indicate wall seepage. For example, you start seeing wall dampness. Secondly, you may see bubbles on the wall paint layer. Subsequently, you start seeing molding appearing on the wall. You may also notice musky smells from damped room.
The situation is very serious when you start seeing molding and noticed smells in the house. It does create health hazard in these situation. Besides that, it will also cause losses to the building, furniture and fittings.
Therefore, if you ever encounter these signs, it may indicate water seepage on the walls. Do consult with the waterproofing specialist to identify the root cause for these wall seepage signs. We are one of the top waterproofing expert in KL, Selangor and expanding to other parts of Malaysia.
You can call us for enquiry and site visit to further assess your situation. We would be able to advise if you need to solve your plumbing issue first. Waterproofing is just like a protective layer. It will protect your house from water leakage easily. But if the underlying problem still persist, waterproofing alone is still insufficient.
Check out our project gallery and our many past experience projects in waterproofing. You may also be interested to read about the different brands in waterproofing materials.