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Water Tank Waterproofing

Water is an essential daily need. Leaks in any water containment and distribution system may result in loss of millions of litres of water. Unlike your normal residential or commercial waterproofing, water leaks from tanks and reservoirs are subject to immense water weight pressure. Hence getting it right the first time round will help you avoid additional rectification cost.


Firstly, it has to have a long service life expectancy with no leeching. Secondly, it must not affect the quality of potable water. Thirdly, it must also be resistant to hydro-static pressure, algae, micro-organism, chlorine and cleaning agents, as well as fluctuating temperatures.

Types of Waterproofing Systems – Rigid and Flexible

A rigid system involves producing watertight concrete and mortar linings. They are cost effective and extremely long lasting. These are combined with joint sealing products. It is most suitable for new projects. In addition, waterproofing mortars also provides effective waterproofing for new or existing structures, reinforced concrete and brick works. 

Flexible waterproofing revolves around a watertight coating or lining with waterproofing sheet membranes. In addition, we apply these to the internal structures of reservoirs or water tanks. We can also apply these liquid based reactive resins and coatings easily onto complex detailing.  However, we need a thorough preparation of substrate. We need to clean out any dust, loose materials and grease residues before applying watertight coatings.

For waterproofing lining, the sheet membranes are combined with joint sealing products. These can provide good elasticity and tear strength. It is also long lasting and resistant to chemical abrasions. 

In the event of any structural damage, the membrane can prevent any underflow of water. It cures with a smooth surface which prevents micro organism and algae from clinging onto its surface. It also makes for easy maintenance and cleaning.

Choosing a waterproofing system is one of the most important decisions. A small leak can cause major damage, not only to the main structure but to the surrounding areas. Besides that, bacteria can enter through small cracks and contaminate the tanks or reservoirs. 

When planning to install the best system for your structure, you should always engage a waterproofing expert to resolve your waterproofing needs.

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